Sunday, October 21, 2007

Dancing at the Pumpkin Patch

Finally got some video uploaded. Lauren can't resist shaking her hips as soon as she hears music. The waving arms thing is something they do at Daycare. (Sorry the video is sideways, I wasn't thinking when I was recording.)

Recently, when something leaves her sight, she puts her hands out and says, "where'd X go? where'd X go?" Apparently the songs verse, "whoops there goes another rubber tree" begged her to ask the question, "where'd it go? where'd it go?".


Michele said...

OMG...just when I thought she couldn't get any cuter. I LOVE when kids dance!

Julia said...

You know what that expression on her face means, right? She's thinking, "Why isn't everyone else dancing! Come on people! There's music on!"