Still on bedrest. Third trip to triage yesterday, but everything seems to have settled down and we are ok for now. Hubby is taking great care of me - he is a Saint. I'm very lucky.
TV is still the easiest thing since it's hard to be in other positions for any length of time. The mornings consist mostly of various talk shows - not the ridiculous ones like Jerry Springer - the somewhat more redeeming ones like Martha, Ellen, and, of course, Oprah. Oprah is an amazing human being. Oprah for president!
I also learned that if you're going to be on The Price is Right, you need to wear a goofy t-shirt. And if you're pregnant, don't even try since it seems to be that you must jump up and down like a maniac when you get picked and/or win anything, which would probably cause immediate labor.
The new season of
Project Runway started last night too. Oooh, I just love it. There are some great designs - and some that are just hideous.
I'm also pretty up on the
Top 100 SNL Moments. Laughing is good for your health.
Food TV is a staple, though I find Rachel Ray very annoying and most often they are making something with fish (yuck). Bring on Paula and the
Bacon Crisps for me! (crackers baked with parm cheese wrapped in bacon) or anything involving lots of sugar.
Now I'm hungry - time to call for lunch, "Honey..."