So let me try to describe the latest family drama, maybe you'll find it amusing... note that all these calls occured in within about a 30 minute span.
Backstory: within 2 months after Mom died, Stepdad procraimed his love for my Mom's former friend of 30 years, and proposed to "her". After much fuss from the family, they called off the engagement, though at some point last year, "her" started wearing the ring again. My sister suspects they secretly got married, but when she asked him a couple weeks ago, he said no.
CALL #1: Sis calls, tells me she got a letter from Grandma A. saying she heard Stepdad got married. Sis is pissed over this and the whole "her" situation.
CALL #2: I call Gram Q. to say hello and let it slip that Sis got a letter from Grandma A. saying she heard Stepdad got married. Just making conversation.
CALL #3: Gram Q. calls Aunt D. and tells her that I told her that Sis got a letter from Grandma A. saying she heard Stepdad got married.
CALL #4: Aunt D. "accidentally" calls Stepdad and "her", then asks them if they got married. They say no. Aunt D. tells them that I told Gram Q. that Sis got a letter from Grandma A. saying she heard Stepdad got married.
CALL #5: Aunt D. calls me to tell me she "accidentally" called Stepdad and "her" and asked if they got married, they said no. I get out of her that she spilled the whole story, blew us all in. I start to freak, then calm down
(trying not to upset her, she's already unstable) and just tell her she shouldn't have said anything.
CALL #6: Stepdad calls Gram Q. and asks her, "what's this I heard that you think we got married?" To which my ever thinking Gram says, "I didn't say that"... and proceeds to protect my involvement as the second-level gossiper and tells him that Aunt D. "has a big mouth." Stepdad says he wouldn't get married without telling the family.
CALL #7: Gram Q. calls Aunt D., who must be on the phone, because Gram Q. gets her answering machine. Gram Q. leaves a message on Aunt D's phone telling her she "has a big mouth."
CALL #8: Gram Q. calls me all upset, worried that she started drama with the gossip because Aunt D. has a big mouth. Worried about me because I am going to have lunch with Stepdad and "her" tomorrow and upset that she made it uncomfortable for me. I calm her down and tell her not to worry, we were just making conversation. I'll be fine at lunch. We both agree, again, that Aunt D. most certainly does have a very big mouth.
CALL #9: I call Stepdad to fess up to the gossip, but tell him we didn't believe it anyway, we were just making conversation, and that Aunt D. has a big mouth. Stepdad says he wouldn't get married without telling the family. I say, "ok, see you at lunch today".
I at least prevented CALL #10 which could have been the call to Sis to tell her how after her first call, the gossip spread like wildfire and caused this drama. Whew!
Lunch will be so fun today.