Friday, April 21, 2006

Why doesn't the media point out how Tom & Katie lied about their pregnancy? I remember when they first announced it she was supposedly 2 months behind me. I KNEW her bump was too big, she was showing as much as I was... then, a week later, the timeline changed by a month... then, sure enough, at some point, she caught up and viola, had her baby within days of my original due date! I KNEW it! LIARS!

Ah, remember the old days, when Tom Cruise seemed normal and attractive. Now he seems like a horse-toothed lunatic and I have no desire to see any of his movies. RUN KATIE, RUN! Get Suri a semi-normal life!

It makes me wonder... if I had loads of money, tons of adoring fans, and was recognized in every corner of the world, would I turn in to a wacko? Would I star in a movie with Jake Gyllenhaal, divorce my husband and within weeks, marry Jake only to have it annulled 2 months later? Would I spend more money on handbags than most people in third world countries see in their lifetime? Would I lose 40 pounds and have to use my ultra-expensive handbag, filled with cash and water bottles, to keep me from blowing away in a strong wind - and yet still claim not to have an eating disorder? Would I assault someone with my cell-phone? Would I change Lauren's name to Jamba?

I'd like to think I wouldn't.


Anonymous said...

I always wondered if she was really pregnant. Some photos looked like she was 9 months pregnant. Then a week later she looked like she was barely 5 months along. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if they adopted and this was all just some kind of weird wacko plot to make it look like she had given birth. Either way, Tom Cruise is nuts.

Anonymous said...

I never paid much attention to the timeline, but now that I read it, it drives me crazy! I get so bothered by the media's short memory when it comes to celebs! At the end there, Katie was pretty darn huge though - if it were possibel to be 11 months pregnant, I imagine that's exactly what it would look like! :)

Anonymous said...

I never paid much attention to the timeline, but now that I read it, it drives me crazy! I get so bothered by the media's short memory when it comes to celebs! At the end there, Katie was pretty darn huge though - if it were possibel to be 11 months pregnant, I imagine that's exactly what it would look like! :