Saturday, October 07, 2000

Nothing to Say

I haven't blogged in a while, perhaps I have nothing to say. I know, you're all shocked! I guess my plan to do more exciting things so that I have good blogger is not working out.

Stayed in last night and rented a movie. We watched "The Straight Story". I couldn't take it. I know that makes me seem horrid since it got a perfect 10, but I really couldn't stand the way Sissy Spacek was talking. I never even really figured out why she talked like that. I've never in all my life ever encountered, either in person or on tv (real tv), someone who talked like that - retarded or not. "Eh, Dad? Eh, do you think you could run to the library and grab me a copy of The Existentialism of the Post Feminine Man? Eh, ok Dad?" Sorry, it didn't sell me.

This morning I watched "Bedrooms and Hallways". It's the story of a gay man who eventually realized he's actually in love with a woman. Was that written by a straight man or what?!!

Well, gotta go get ready to head out to the movies. As Jenny says, "Bjork Bjork Bjork" =)

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